Development Log

3.0.61 (Jul 8, 2024)

  • Removed: Specified type attribute in Gravity Forms JavaScript code for clarity. This caused nitropack to cache our asset

3.0.60 (Jul 2, 2024)

  • Added data-src support for utm-src (iframe append) feature.
  • Introduced support for Part Payment plugin in WooCommerce for enhanced reporting.
  • Enabled Divi Form integration for AI Report Insight.
  • Specified type attribute in Gravity Forms JavaScript code for clarity.
  • Excluded anchor href from the append UTM feature to prevent URL conflicts.
  • Borlabs Cookie client side integration.
  • Avada support for WooCommerce tracking.

3.0.59 (May 19, 2024)

  • **Added**: ActiveCampaign client-side tracking support.
  • **Added**: HPOS support for WooCommerce.
  • **Added**: HPOS support for WooCommerce Analytics.
  • **Added**: Elementor form in modal support.

3.0.58 (Mar 25, 2024)

  • Added support for WPForm, NinjaForm and WooCommerce for AI Insight
  • Added support for SureCart to enhance e-commerce tracking capabilities.
  • Integrated with WPForm, NinjaForm, and WooCommerce for improved AI Insight functionality.
  • Included support for Borlabs Cookie v3, ensuring compatibility with the latest version.
  • Adjusted positioning of hidden fields to follow customer details for better data collection in HPOS environments
  • Better support for WooCommerce with HPOS

3.0.57 (Mar 7, 2024)

  • Fixed issue with handling URLs containing hashes.
  • Updated plugin to ensure UTM parameters are only visible to admins in comments for privacy.
  • Corrected a typo affecting WooCommerce data capture functionality.
  • Added support for capturing subtotals in server-to-server communications
  • Implemented some wording changes to enhance clarity within the plugin.
  • Improved data handling by decoding query values when accessed.
  • Enhanced WooCommerce data capture with additional fallback methods.
  • Resolved a bug related to dynamic properties in the wp package updater.

3.0.56 (Dec 14, 2023)

  • Introduction of Report Insight feature (Powered by AI)
  • WooCommerce HPOS support now available
  • Fixed UTM append issue for CTAs on home page
  • New parameter 'handl_landing_page_base' added
  • Fillout support now available
  • Removed UTM append from menu items
  • Backend append URL support for AFL removed
  • Latepoint export compatibility added
  • Latepoint action fixed for upgraded versions
  • Fixed default value issue with Gravity form
  • WooCommerce client-side tracking added; server-side tracking removed
  • Character limit set for wildcard entries in JavaScript
  • Custom parameters can now be access from the client-side

3.0.55 (Sep 9, 2023)

  • We've enhanced Amelia capture functionality for expanded usability.
  • New! Support for PayPal plugin checkout is now available.
  • We’ve added support for GDPR-cookie-compliance/moove-GDPR to ensure data privacy.
  • The software now includes support for LatePoint to optimize your appointment scheduling.
  • Minor code documentation has been implemented for Thrive Leads.
  • We've fixed the WooCommerce postback issue for smooth operation.
  • Real Cookie Banner Pro is now supported for your privacy concerns.
  • JotForm support has been added for easier form creation and sharing.
  • The _POST check from the client side of Gravity Form has been removed to improve performance.
  • Active Campaign support has been seamlessly integrated for enhanced marketing automation.
  • We've also fixed the utm-out-js issue.
  • We've removed the username and email fields to prevent further issues. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
  • The text base email feature in WooCommerce has been fixed for better communication.

3.0.54 (May 4, 2023)

3.0.53 (Jan 3, 2023)

  • Bugfix: multiple duplcaited first_utm_source
  • utm-src client side improvement
  • Complianz Free version support and client-side improvements
  • FormStack support
  • Kadence Block Form support

3.0.52 (Nov 13, 2022)

  • Critical: The entire GDPR logic has been revamped, now UTM Grabber collects data regardless. Action required for preventing data collection before consent.
  • Cookiebot Improvement: CookiebotOnAccept integration, so cookies are registered right after consent is given (w/o page refresh)
  • Complianz GDPR improvement
  • Cookie Notice GDPR improvement
  • Cookieyes GDPR improvement
  • Cookiebot GDPR integration introduced
  • Cookie Information Consent Solution GDPR support introduced
  • Onetrust GDPR support introduced
  • WP Jobs Manager support introduced
  • Amelia Booking support introduced
  • Added all the first_ attribution params, handl_ and traffic_source as main params. So they are not need to be added as Custom Params any more
  • Non-breaking logic improvement/optimization for client-side tracking. So we can add lots of cool features in future

3.0.51 (Sep 08, 2022)

  • OptinMonster support
  • YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote support added
  • Fix for CF7 Zapier trigger (wpcf7_mail_sent instead of wpcf7_before_send_mail)
  • Fluentform support added for Zapier
  • Fixing the CRON related COOKIE issues
  • Fixing some wording in the plugin and added some documentations
  • Allow hardcoded predefine value
  • Added RunFieldFiller function for re-use
  • Populate Links exceptions added

3.0.50 (Apr 20, 2022)

  • handl_ref param improvements
  • improvement for append UTM when anchor sign is present (server side)
  • Twitter attribution for improved
  • Borlabs implementation
  • Complianz implementation
  • traffic_source = Social added

3.0.49 (Mar 2, 2022)

  • traffic_source parameter improvement

3.0.48 (Mar 1, 2022)

  • organic_source and organic_source_str parameter fix (last attribution)
  • Yahoo and Duckduckgo added as Organic param

3.0.47 (Feb 25, 2022)

  • Added MemberPress support
  • Thrive Leads bug fix for email parameter
  • Generic user registration UTM tracker added (deprecating Affiliate WP)
  • Append UTM prevent adding UTMs to self
  • function dd removed due to conflict

3.0.46 (Feb 23, 2022)

  • Fixing traffic_source - major bug
  • Adding borlabs compatibility
  • Fixing Append UTM for navigation bar links

3.0.45 (Feb 04 , 2022)

  • traffic_source improvement
  • Gravity form client side tracking improvement
  • handl_url_base bugfix

3.0.44 (Jan 25, 2022)

  • New shortcode added handl_url_base - it is similar to handl_url without parameters
  • Added today and yesterday to the WooCommerce report page
  • Added sale price, Profit, BE_ROAS, COGS, PM and ROI to WooCommerce Report

3.0.43 (Jan 17, 2021)

  • Tracking fbclid, msclkid by default
  • Null pointer fix for Append All feature.
  • traffic_source fix for Bing Ads
  • Original ref capture for Yahoo
  • Prevent append for sms: links
  • gaclient id fix (client-side), it was picking up referrer at times
  • predefine variable bugfix: if shortcode is not rendered, replace to empty
  • Added utm term and content support for WooCommerce

3.0.42 (Nov 17, 2021)

  • Bugfix: Prevent appending UTMs having achor link in them

3.0.41 (Nov 14, 2021)

  • Bugfix: utm-out and utm-out-js decoding the URL parameters

3.0.40 (Nov 10, 2021)

  • Bugfix: utm-out and utm-out-js appending the query args already present

3.0.39 (Nov 05, 2021)

  • Bugfix: Encode problem fix for utm-out

3.0.38 (Nov 02, 2021)

  • Append URL fix for utm-out. Honoring the custom parameters only

3.0.37 (Nov 01, 2021)

  • Append UTM improved for gaclientid
  • overall improvement for utm-out class
  • predefined value can set gaclientid
  • gaclientid delays handled in the plugin so gaclientid is set on first page load
  • Append UTM prevented to add UTMs to certain URLs like hash, tel: and mail to, and anchor (accordion) script etc.

3.0.36 (Oct 27, 2021)

  • Adding global header for version track
  • Adding GA4 support for WooCommerce Conversion API
  • traffic_source = new tracking cookies for Paid, Organic, Direct, Referral and Other
  • WooCommerce Report Bugfix: WPDB prefix
  • WooCommerce Conversion API, new field added - item

3.0.35 (Oct 07, 2021)

  • HandL parameter cookie capture optimization for client-side, a fix for servers having caching enabled
  • utm-out added to body class when append utm enabled
  • some small bug fixes

3.0.34 (Sep 30, 2021)

  • Fatal elementor bug fixed

3.0.33 (Sep 30, 2021)

  • Native Elementor Form support
  • Wildcard support for all the form fields

3.0.32 (Sep 28, 2021)

  • WooCommerce Report Release
  • WooCommerce Exporter Bugfix
  • HandL Parameters Cache Buster Fix

3.0.31 (Sep 07, 2021)

3.0.30 (Aug 27, 2021)

  • First/Last Touch Track Bugfix
  • Woocommerce to Facebook Conversion API (FB CAPI)
  • Rare plugin activation related bug fix
  • WooCommerce order data export improvement
  • WooCommerce order list view (including utm_ columns)
  • Gravity Form Zapier form_id field added

3.0.29 (Apr 18, 2021)

  • BugFix: WooCommerce IPN (Postback) supports GET request


3.0.27 (Mar 13,2021)

  • Gravity Form bug fix for multi page form
  • First touch attributes shortcode showing when there is no COOKIES bugfix
  • Thrive Editor utm-out appends queries in the editor fix


  • New shortcode: user_agent added
  • Bugfix: Gravity form automatic fields add


3.0.24 (Jan 31, 2021)


  • Contact Form 7 - Zapier honeypot fix
  • Critical bug fix affecting cookie tracking

3.0.22 (Jan 18, 2021)

  • Dynamics 365: Bug fix in the console

3.0.21 (Jan 18, 2021)

  • Contact Form 7 (CF7) Spam Filtering
  • WP Rocket removed due to compatibility isssue
  • Added GCLID Reporter

3.0.20 (Jan 16, 2021)

  • Dynamics 365 integration
  • WP Rocket support
  • Improved cookie / cache management

3.0.19 (Dec 18, 2020)

  • Affiliate WP Support
  • ARForms Support
  • Forminator Support

3.0.18 (Dec 01, 2020)

  • Gravity Form - Client Side tracking improved
  • Pantheon caching fix
  • Divi button append utm feature added
  • Pantheon related license fix

3.0.17 (Oct 27, 2020)

  • Feature: Divi Contact Form
  • append_all_i attribute for input wrappers to append all the UTMs via shortcode

3.0.16 (Oct 23, 2020)

  • Bugfix: Oxygen Builder GDPR conflict fix
  • Bugfix: Predefined variables honoring GDPR
  • Bugfix: Plugin updater fix for non standard plugin directory
  • Ultimate GDPR & CCPA Compliance Toolkit Compatibility added
  • Fluent Forms support added

3.0.15 (Oct 18, 2020)

  • Thrive Leads to Zapier
  • Thrive Leads to Integromat
  • Formidable Forms to Zapier
  • Formidable Forms to Integromat

3.0.14 (Oct 13, 2020)

  • Divi Support
  • WooCommerce Export Orders (with UTM Grabber parameters)
  • Bugfixes for decoding URL (for %s sign)

3.0.13 (Oct 09, 2020)

  • Zapier logic improvements
  • Integromat support
  • UTM collection from WordPress Comment
  • Contact Form 7: HandL UTM Grabber shortcodes added

3.0.12 (Sep 30, 2020)

  • Formidable Form: Value decoding fix for multi words values
  • Formidable Form: Allowing mutliple forms to work for field key (key ids are replaced to be unique when there is multiple forms)

3.0.11 (Sep 22, 2020)

  • organic_source_str bug fix

3.0.10 (Sep 18, 2020)

  • GDPR exposing shortcodes fixed
  • passing query arguments through iframe and saving them in cookies
  • organic_source_str for proper Source tracking (e.g. Google, Bing, LinkedIn etc.)
  • Cookie Notice compatibility logic fix
  • Gravity Forms: Easy add/remove parameters to all the forms

3.0.9 (Sep 09, 2020)

  • Form ID added to Contact Form 7 to Zapier Webhook integration
  • Design improved for license field in Plugins
  • WooCommerce Postback Fix for payment_complete
  • Other important bug fixes

3.0.8 (Aug 28, 2020)

  • Added URL Builder for WooCommerce Postbacks for easier configururation.
  • Added variable casting for WooCommerce Postbacks. This is especially for event value in Google Analytics which requires integer value.

3.0.7 (Aug 28, 2020)

  • HandL UTM Grabber V3 Metabox added in order page
  • WooCommerce to Google Analytics improved

3.0.6 (Aug 25, 2020)

  • Define domain to record cookies (great for driving traffic from subdomains to domain)

3.0.5 (Aug 25, 2020)

  • Predefined custom fields (shortcodes)
  • some important cookie related bugfixes

3.0.4 (Aug 20, 2020)

  • Formidable implementation
  • Cookie fixes for subdomains: Cookies saved in subdomain is accessible for the domain
  • Ultimate member integration
  • Cookie notice plugin seemlesly integrate with GDPR in HandL UTM Grabber

3.0.3 (Aug 15, 2020)

  • WPForms integration
  • First touch attribute introduced
  • WooCommerce Webhook/IPN/S2S implemented
  • Some minor bug fixes & design changes


  • Some minor bug fixes


  • Easily append all the parameters to the button created via Elementor Pro
  • Ninja Form supports customer paramaters out of the box

Never lose any UTMs ever 💪

Get HandL UTM Grabber V3