Mailgen Form Embed Integration

Create the subscribe (opt-in) form on Mailgen

Select form fields and enter the custom parameters you'd like to track. You can find the list of parameters you can track here Native WP Shortcodes.

Copy HTML embed code and paste it into a text file or documents

Because we'll edit the custom fields (see the next section)

Wrap around each custom fields using our wrappers

For example:


<div class="c2">
	<input type="text" class="text" name="merge[3]" accept="text" value="">


<div class="c2">
	[utm_campaign_i]<input type="text" class="text" name="merge[3]" accept="text" value="%s" class="utm_campaign">[/utm_campaign_i]

See the list of wrappers for each custom parameters you created here INPUT FIELD WRAPPER.

If you integrated correctly, you are ready to collect UTMs

Never lose any UTMs ever 💪

Get HandL UTM Grabber V3