Quform Integration

1-)Go to your form and add a hidden field.

QF 1-)Go to your form and add a hidden field.png

2-)Click this button to add parameters.

QF 2-)Click this button to add parameters.png

3-)First add a label for recognize the parameter.

QF 3-)First add a label for recognize the parameter.png

4-)Enter your parameter to the Custom CSS Class.

QF 4-)Enter your parameter to the Custom CSS Class .png

5-)Make the same changes to the other hidden fields.

QF 5-)Make the same changes to the other hidden fields.png

6-)Make the same changes to the other hidden fields.

QF 6-) Make the same changes to the other hidden fields.png

7-)Make the same changes to the other hidden fields.

QF 7-)Make the same changes to the other hidden fields.png

8-)Make the same changes to the other hidden fields.

QF 8-)Make the same changes to the other hidden fields.png

9-)Make the same changes to the other hidden fields.

QF 9-)Make the same changes to the other hidden fields.png

10-)Make the same changes to the other hidden fields.

QF 10-)Make the same changes to the other hidden fields.png

11-)Make the same changes to the other hidden fields.

QF 11-)Make the same changes to the other hidden fieldss.png

12-)Then save the changes and copy the shortcode.

QF 12-)then-save-the-changes-and-copy-the-shortcodeE.png

13-)Go to pages section and open your form.

QF 13-)Go to pages section and open your form.png

14-)Paste your shortcode.

QF 14-)Paste your shortcode.png

15-)Go to campaign URL builder and copy the URL.

QF 15-)Go to campaign URL builder and copy the URL.png

16-)Paste the URL and write the "gclid=GclidParamTest" to the end of the URL to fill gclid parameter.

QF 16-)Paste the URL and write the %22gclid=GclidParamTest%22 to the end to fill gclid parameter.png

17-)Now the form is ready to fill it.

QF 17-)Now the form is ready to fill it.png

18-)Go to entries of Quform.

QF 18-)Go to entries of Quform .png

19-)Here is the result.

QF 13-)Here is the resultt.png

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