Add HandL UTM Grabber Support in Borlabs v3

Since version 3, Borlabs has updated its user interface and the method for adding cookie exceptions. Here, we will explain how you can do this in version 3.

Click on "Services" under "Consent Management" in Borlabs as shown here.

Fill out the form like this

ID: handl-utm-grabber (this is very crucial make sure you use this verbatim)

Status: On

Position: 1

Language: en

Name HandL UTM Grabber

Description HandL UTM Grabber is a lead tracking and attribution plugin for WordPress

Service Group Marketing

It will look like this after saving.

Fortunately, you can use a wildcard to input cookie names, making this step straightforward. Please visit this page to retrieve a list of the cookies used by our plugin Native WP Shortcodes.

Save the settings, and voila!

Never lose any UTMs ever 💪

Get HandL UTM Grabber V3