Contact Form 7 to Zapier Integration Screen Shot Documentation

1.Click Contact And Add New

1-)Zapier Add Contact.png

2.Paste The Code Shown Below to the Form Section Like that

2-)Zapier Paste The Code.png

--->Code Snippets<---

[hidden utm_campaign]
[hidden utm_source]
[hidden utm_medium]
[hidden utm_term]
[hidden utm_content]
[hidden gclid]

3.Copy the Shortcode

3-)Zapier Copy The ShortCode.png

4.Click 'Pages' and then click the 'Add New' button

4-)Zapier Add New Page.png

5.Paste the code that you copied and click 'Publish' button

5-)Zapier Paste The ShortCode.png

6.Copy The Webhook URL that you created on ZAPIER

6-)Zapier Copy The Webhook URL.png

7.Click the 'HandL UTM Grabber' button from Settings

7-)Zapier HandL UTM Grabber Settings.png

8.Paste the Webhook URL that you copied to the Zapier Webhook URL section and click 'Save Changes'

8-)Zapier Paste The Webhook URL.png

9.Go to campaign URL builder and Copy The URL.

9-)Zapier Active campaign URL.png

10.Come back to the Pages and View Your Contact Form

9-)Zapier View The Form.png

11.Paste the URL that you copied then Fill the blanks on your form and 'SEND'

11-)Zapier Paste the URL to the Form .png

12.Here is your Result on Zapier

12-)Zapier Here is your Result.png

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