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Native Elementor Form Support

This is our preferred way of collecting UTMs into your Elementor Form. First add your field just...

Appending UTM variables using Text Editor in Elementor

Simply add a class attribute utm-out to the your text editor... And the class variables utm-ou...

Appending UTMs to the selective Buttons in Elementor

Simply add the magical utm-out class attribute to the button as custom attributes as class|utm-out

How to update HandL UTM Grabber v3 plugin?

Method 1 (Easiest): From your WordPress plugin Find "HandL UTM Grabber v3" in the menu and click...

How to collect UTMs in MailerLite

Download official mailerlite plugin You can download it from Set up your custom fields in maile...

Tracking UTMs in Logiform for embedded

Create custom text fields and make them hidden. Here we show it for utm_campaign. However, your ...

What do the organic tracking values mean?

You will often see the following following if you are tracking organic traffic using HandL UTM Gr...

I'm using WP Fastest Cache

Exclude COOKIES In order for HandL UTM Grabber to work more efficiently, you may want to whiteli...

Track UTMs in Hubspot Form

Add UTM fields to your form This is assuming you already created Contact properties (ideally und...

Track UTMs in Marketo form

Our plugin supports Marketo forms out of the box, just make sure the UTM fields are added to your...

Make HandL UTM Grabber compatible with Borlabs

First create a custom group under Marketing Add following entries under Cookie Name section u...

Hassle Free Implementation (No shortcode)

Upon ativation of this plugin, it will fill the elements named “utm_source, utm_medium, utm_term,...

Export all WooCommerce data with UTMs

Go to UTM > WooCommerce Postback and click Download All WooCommerce HandL Report (CSV) to down...

How to upgrade my plan?

Login to your account on Click your name and My Downloads Select the plan that...

Generating dynamic content based on UTM parameters

There are three different ways of accmomplishing this... Using shortcode method. You can place ...

Predefined parameters

Sometimes, you don't use the regular utm parameters as is (e.g. utm_campaign), and you need to us...

Zoho Form: Embed forms using JavaScript

We are showing JavaScript method here but this can be implemented similarly to iframe as well. We...

Capture UTMs in Brilliant Web-to-Lead for Salesforce

Edit your form and use the shortcode in the value field... See here for the list of shortcodes...

OptimizePress Pages (Enable Scripts & Styles)

If you are using OptmizePress, make sure HandL UTM Grabber is enabled for Frontend...

UTMs disappear in URL, does the plugin still track?

Short answer is "absolutely yes"... HandL UTM Grabber is a cookie based tracker. As soon as pros...