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Export all WooCommerce data with UTMs

Go to UTM > WooCommerce Postback and click Download All WooCommerce HandL Report (CSV) to down...

How to upgrade my plan?

Login to your account on Click your name and My Downloads Select the plan that...

Generating dynamic content based on UTM parameters

There are three different ways of accmomplishing this... Using shortcode method. You can place ...

Predefined parameters

Sometimes, you don't use the regular utm parameters as is (e.g. utm_campaign), and you need to us...

Zoho Form: Embed forms using JavaScript

We are showing JavaScript method here but this can be implemented similarly to iframe as well. We...

Capture UTMs in Brilliant Web-to-Lead for Salesforce

Edit your form and use the shortcode in the value field... See here for the list of shortcodes...

OptimizePress Pages (Enable Scripts & Styles)

If you are using OptmizePress, make sure HandL UTM Grabber is enabled for Frontend...

UTMs disappear in URL, does the plugin still track?

Short answer is "absolutely yes"... HandL UTM Grabber is a cookie based tracker. As soon as pros...

Access all the UTM data in Order Page

You can see all the UTMs associated with your sales in the Order list page. It will be like this

How to cancel my membership?

Login to your account at After loging in, click your name uppper right corner of ...

I'm hosted on CloudWays

You should exclude cookies from varnish cache via the Cloudways platform. Navigate to Applicatio...

Collect UTMs using Easy Registration Forms (ERForms)

1 Add the UTM fields you would like to track to the form Add them as hidden fields as shown abov...

Capture UTMs in OptimizeLeads form

Add the fields you would like to capture in Optimize Press Don't worry if you can't make them hi...

I'm using LiteSpeed caching plugin

If you are using the LiteSpeed caching plugin, you should do the following settings in your WP to...

I am with FlyWheel

If you are on FlyWheel, you need to contact FlyWheel support and let them know that you want to w...

Capture UTMs/Gclid in registration form

You can add any UTM fields and handl_ fields Native WP Shortcodes to your registration form. Her...

WooCommerce to Facebook Offline Conversion

With the latest privacy rules in place, Facebook Offline conversion has been very crucial to trac...

Cognito Form: Capture UTMs using Iframe

First, make sure all the UTM fields are created in Cognito Form. Each field should be seperate an...

I use WP Super Cache

There is known caching issues with WP Super Cache plugin. We'll update this document as we have m...

What does new IOS 14 release (privacy) change in terms of tracking?

What is the new privacy change? Starting from IOS 14, Apple asks users for their permission to a...